Ravindra Bhavan club
Ravindra Bhavan club membership registration will start from 22nd of November. The registered members will be allowed to use this Ravindra Bhavan Club space for meetings and discussion in connection with cultural and social activities and NO business, political or religious meetings or discussions will be allowed. Outside eatables/consumption of alcohol will not be allowed and it is a NO SMOKING area. This membership will be open to all individuals with theatre, music, dance, cultural
background or any Institutions in this field. It will be mandatory for the member who has registered under Ravindra Bhavan Club by paying Rs. 100 per year, to be present for the meeting and a table for 8 people will be reserved for a maximum of 3 hours after following the procedure of booking subject to availability.
*Please download the form and submit the form at Ravindra Bhavan office.