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Welcome to the panorama of Art, Culture & Literature!!

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Culture plays an important role in the development of a human being. It represents a set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices. Culture and creativity, as diverse as in the state of Goa, symbolizes the plurality of its culture. We at Ravindra Bhavan, Margao (RBM), shape the future of Goan Art and link it to the diverse cultures of the nation and globe. We constantly strive to weave the threads of colorful cultures spread across religions, tribes, places with its unique features within Goa and propel the artists on the international scene.


Pai Tiatrist Joao Augustinho Fernandes (Main Auditorium) having seating capacity of 1069 seats and is well equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure.

Conference Halls

Having seating capacity of 275 chairs with stage area of 14.4 x 29 ft is ideal for small functions, like conferences, board meetings, presentations, seminars, workshops etc.

Black Box

Black Box having capacity of 100 seats is ideal for small programmes like book/ cd releases, conferences, business meetings, workshops, press interactions etc.
Hire our spaces

Dance, Music, Literature And Fine Arts

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Glimpses of Major Events

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